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The association has supported many projects through the years: it contributed to the construction of a primary school in the Lira district (nort Uganda area) and of a church in Kabingo village; it supported the studies of many young students either living in the North and the South Uganda; it sent clothes and school equipment and constantly supported local churches, especially the Franciscan community of Rushooka. Above all, it fostered the creation of a center for disabled children in 2014 in Rushooka and is currently

involved in its expansion; it subsidized the construction of spaces devoted to youth groups in Rwentobo

and it is now working at the construction of a space for orphan children. Ewe Mama also made possible to

organize training activities with local and foreign experts.


I padri francescani alla messa domenicale

Farina di mais, alla base dell'alimentazione ugandese

Padre Agapitus in visita pastorale

I vespri in comunità

La colazione all'asilo di Rushooka

Visita alle famiglie del villaggio

I bambini disabili alla scoperta del villaggio

Padre Francis al convento di Rushooka

I vicini di casa

Al villaggio di Kijubwe si raccoglie la legna per il fuoco

I bambini disabili imparano a coltivare

La scorta "speciale" dei viaggiatori

I bimbi a Rushooka non mancano mai

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